Monday, April 7, 2014

Facial Natural Remedies

Facial Natural Remedies 

I began making my own natural products in 2007 and I started with facials. I battled acne in my early 20's and it was frustrating pinning down the right products to use and what would keep my skin soft and beautiful. It was not until I began to pamper myself with facial steams, facial scrubs and my own handmade soaps that my skin became balanced, vibrant, and beautiful. I will share a few of my recipes as well as some well known home remedies for beautiful vibrant skin.

Facial Steam
(Tru's Favoritest)
It is very good to do a facial steam once a week. It is just like going to the sauna to sweat out impurities. This gives your skin the opportunity to release built up dirt, toxins from hair products, and cleanse from the past week. A facial steam is easy and simple. It is a basic combination of pure hot water, a medicinal (burdock root), soothing (chamomile), and restoring herb (comfrey). You can pick any herb this is just an example. You will need 5-10 minutes of time alone.

You will need:
A large bowl
A large towel
Herbal Combination
A saucepan
Pure Water

Wash your face with a castile or un-scented soap. 
Leave your face lightly wet, do not towel dry.
Fill your saucepan with water and bring to a boil.
Add your herbs. (If it is a root herb simmer for 20-30 minutes then add leafy herbs for 3 minutes)
Turn off fire and place top on the sauce pan.
Safely pour the mixture into the large bowl (if you wish you can just leave the herbal mixture in the saucepan)
Place the bowl or saucepan on a flat surface and sit where you can safely lean over the bowl without getting too close.
Drape the towel over your head covering the entire bowl while covering all spaces so the steam does not escape.
Allow the steam to massage your face for 5-10 minutes.
Gently rinse your face when finished.
Air Dry your face.

Honey Pat:
(Tru's favorite)
After a facial steam applying a honey pat is heaven sent! 

You will need:
Organic or local raw honey

Massage honey into your skin softly
Began to pat your face until your hands get so sticky it's hard to separate it from your face
Allow the honey to stay on your face for 5-10 minutes
Rinse with warm water and a final rinse with cold water to close your pores
Apply a toner or witch hazel
Air Dry

Tried and True Facial Remedies:

Acne: A few months ago I stopped using face wash. I use a scrub of baking soda and coconut oil every few days. 
On the days in between, just coconut oil. I use tiny amounts - a pinch of soda, and a bit of coconut oil the size of a pencil eraser. Wash in gentle, circular motions and rinse very well. Your face may seem oily afterward, but within a few minutes the oil is absorbed and 
your skin is glowing. My face used to break out regularly. Now, almost never!

Interesting black-head remover: use half lemon from the fridge (doesn’t matter if some juice is already squeezed from it) 
and put 3-4 drops of honey on it. Rub the lemon on your face, emphasizing trouble areas. 
Leave the lemon and honey mixture on your face for 5 minutes and then wash it with cold water. 
You will be able to see the results immediately. 
Additionally, lemon juice will also fade other marks/spots on the face and honey will moisturize.

Clear Complexion: 1 tbsp. citrus juice and 1 tbsp. baking soda. Combine the citrus juice and baking soda, 
it will fizz a lot so stir until the bubbling lessens. Apply to your face and then leave on for 20 min. 
and then rinse. Benefits: citrus exfoliates and brightens and helps keep pores clean. 
Baking soda takes away dead skin cells and helps to prevent blackheads.

Face Mask: I learned from a friend of mine who is well known fashion model. 
She told me to mix lemon juice and egg white together and put it on my face as a mask. 
Let it dry and then rinse it off with warm water. I did this every Sunday, after doing this my skin was less oily, The breakouts became non existent and all the acne scars were gone. pin now, try over winter break :)

Radiant Skin: Take a Vitamin E capsule and open it on your face so that oil present in the capsule fall on your face and then give your face a light massage and let it soak for 30 minutes. Take egg white and apply it on your skin and let it soak for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water. These two home made remedies can help you get rid of your acne and open pores problems and with its regular use, your skin will become smooth and radiant within few days.

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